
English Proficiency Exam – Essay.

Further Preparation Tips, September 2020

Test dates scheduled each semester. Contact;  Amy Schmidt  aschmidt@williamsbu.edu

What to bring: WBU I.D., receipt from Business office,  pencil, pen, (dictionary, thesaurus optional)

What is provided:  Blue Book

Objective:  Students should be able to demonstrate a basic competency regarding grammar and style, evidenced by the ability to craft an academic essay with the different elements  and the order of appearance, namely:

-an introduction with a thesis
-three body paragraphs
-each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence
-each should include at least 3 examples
-every example should be commented on by the student writer
-a conclusion
– each essay should also be organized coherently and logically, with transitions to  clarify the relationships among ideas.